Tarifa is the southernmost point in Spain

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Tarifa is a small city in southern Spain in the province of Cadiz, which is the southernmost point of Spain and continental Europe. For frequent winds, the city received the name of the capital of all winds.

The southernmost point of continental Europe, Tarifa, as well as Cape Morocco, located near the city, with a lighthouse built in 1826, geographically complete the continent of Eurasia.

The cape is located on the southern tip of Las Palomas, an island connected to the mainland by a man-made dam and serving today as the location of the frontier military unit. This cape is located at a distance of only 14 kilometers from Africa, separated by the waters of the Strait of Gibraltar.

You can get to Tarifa from Marbella by bus in at least 1.5-2 hours (distance 104 km) or use the services of Gowerla M Rentacar by booking a car in advance on gowerla-rentacar.com. A trip by car along the entire coast of Costa del sol will allow you to fully enjoy the unforgettable seascapes and admire the northern coast of the African continent.

You will be able to take unique photos by stopping at specially equipped viewing platforms along the entire route.

Interesting facts - what is famous for Tarifa

Firstly, it was this Spanish city that was the first of the Andalusian cities conquered by the Moors during their expansion to the Iberian Peninsula. The name of the Barbary commander, who first set foot on the soil of Spain and opened up the rich lands of the mainland for Muslims, as well as a strategically important outpost on the way from Africa to Europe, was Tarif ibn Malluk (Tarif ibn Malluck). It was this name that became the root for the name of the city.

Secondly, the modern word “tariff” in the sense of duty comes from the name of the city of Tarifa, where goods imported through Gibraltar by merchants to Europe began to be subject to a standard duty for the operation of local docks.

Thirdly, the winds constantly blowing in the Strait of Gibraltar, due to the effect of a natural wind tunnel, create simply ideal conditions for windsurfing and kitesurfing in the city and its environs. No wonder it is here that the international kitesurfing championship is held annually. The winds blowing around Tarifa also have a tangible economic significance: – on the slopes of the mountains separating the city from the continent, a significant number of windmills are installed that generate electricity.

Fourthly, Tarifa is an ancient city with a rich history and architectural monuments.

Brief historical background

The first human settlements that appeared on the territory of modern Tarifa are dated by archaeologists and historians to the 16th century BC, which is confirmed by rock paintings found in caves located not far from the city.

Replacing each other, the Phoenicians and Carthaginians lived in this territory, then the Romans came.

Tarifa passed back into the hands of the Christians in 1292, recaptured by troops led by Sancho IV of Castile (Sancho IV de Castilla). Today, his monument can be seen at the entrance to the fortress near the port.

Of the events of modern history, mention should be made of the construction of a new port in Tarifa, which took a period from 1925 to 1944, and the construction of a naval base. Since the beginning of the 80s of the XX century, tourism began to develop rapidly in the city.

Attractions of Tarifa

Castillo de Guzman – a castle bearing the name of Gustav the Magnificent, a real historical character. A mixture of Syrian and Byzantine architectural styles give the castle a special touch.

Erected in 960 by order of Caliph Abderramon III on the ruins of a Roman military garrison.

Church of Iglesia de San Mateo, which is the main city temple. It belongs to the 16th century, construction continued from 1506 to 1534.

Puerta de Jerez – the main city gate, built in the 13th century during the expansion of the city. Above the gate there is a ceramic tablet with the inscription “Very noble, very loyal and heroic city of Tarifa, conqueror of the Moors under the leadership of Sancho IV the Brave on September 21, 1292”.

Santa Catalina Castle is an observation tower in Tarifa built in 1931 in the style of a 16th century castle. It is located on a small hill of the same name. The “Castle” has a large, surprisingly disproportionate lookout tower with Mudéjar arches and balconies at the corners. It has long been a favorite symbol of Tarifa.

Unforgettable snow-white Spanish streets.

Tarifa is where the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean meet.

Having visited Tarifa, going around all its sights and driving around its surroundings in a car rented from Gowerla M Rentacar, you will gain wonderful impressions and positive emotions for many days to come!

Happy travels and safe driving on the roads of Spain
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